Sunday, July 1, 2012

Your dream guy?

Describe your dream guy...
That is the question girls keep asking one another when they are too young to get married, at that moment all girls act the same; she closes her pretty eyes and starts imagining her own fairy tale …
The funny thing is, no girl ever gets bored of answering this question, and every time you can see the girl's eyes shining while trying to imagine how her future husband will look like or how her grown-up life will be :)

Don't know what reminded me of those days, maybe it's that couple of movies I've been watching lately to kill time, anyway I started to recall how I used to imagine my grown-up life ..

When I was a child, I wanted my marriage house to include a swimming pool (I think the main reason was that my parents always refused my suggestion to build a swimming pool in the balcony!).

Then when I became a teenager and I was crazy about volleyball, I wanted to marry a volleyball player and have a volleyball playing place instead of the swimming pool at home (come-on, we are two players, we should be able to play volleyball whenever we want to!).

Two years after joining college I decided to quit volleyball and pay more attention to engineering (believe me, that was not an easy decision! and engineering wasn't the main reason behind it too :) but sounds like I was growing up..) my personality was changing step by step, learnt more about Allah and started to have more interest in studying Islam and getting closer to the Lord, and that's when I started to think differently of the guy I wanted to share the rest of my life with, I remember then I wanted him to be a good Muslim, knowledgeable about his religion and close to Allah, and wanted to have a little room in our house where we make our prayers and keep Islamic books. (I used to imagine him with a little black beard and a bright shining face) the reason that made me imagine my partner this way was that I believed that when a man gets closer to his Creator, he turns to be a kind person with good manners and a smiling face, I believed he'd treat me like a princess as prophet Muhammed used to treat his wives. But I didn't meet that perfect guy, maybe they're not very common or I just didn't meet a lot of them before.

But wait a second, something was still missing, I've always wanted to travel around the world. And finally I decided to marry that guy who's crazy enough to travel around the world with me :D beside his good manners of course. I don't think I'm very demanding, am I??

I know I'm growing up and sooner or later I'll say YES to somebody, I just believe marriage is a scary step and a girl shouldn’t rush into marrying the first guy who proposes to her unless he was her dream guy!

One problem a girl in our community may face is the people who are always trying to convince her of saying Yes to somebody she doesn't like enough. Well what I tell myself in these situations - and I’m writing this because I need to read it from time to time ;) - I'm not going to listen to those women who keep pushing me to say YES to anybody whom they think to be good enough, simply because when I grow older, I don’t want to have their ordinary boring life! I want to go to bed every night with a thankful and satisfied smile on my face and the last thing I look at before closing my eyes is the same smile on my husband’s face, put my head on his chest and tell my night’s last prayer: “please my Lord love my husband and make him always happy and satisfied” even after both of us lose our young face details, our smiles will always keep our faces bright.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

A soul speaking

Because my ears listen a lot but not my soul! when my soul is listening, you'll notice that through my eyes, it'll use them as a window to watch you speaking, to test the purity of your words, to check if it's your honest soul in charge or your lying tongue! very few people can talk to my soul, and it's SOUL BREAKING when they move away.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Unforgettable conversations

Some conversations are unforgettable, not because of the ppl included in the conversation but because of the deep honesty we used to hold such conversations, it's because one's soul combines with the mind and the tongue for several moments to deliver a sincere message. After such conversations, one would feel so exhausted and tired! and those moments are transferred to the permanent area of our memory!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


فى صمت
حدثته فغضب و علا صوته، كادا أن يتشاجرا. فوضعت له العشاء و خرجت تجلس فى صمت تفكر، هل أخطأت بحقه أم أنه بالغ فى ردة فعله، و بينما هى على هذا الحال خرج حاملا الأطباق الفارغة، وضعها بجانبها ثم مسح بيده على رأسها مصالحا إياها، فتحولت كل الأفكار برأسها إلى دموع منهمرة من مقلتيها.
كم تكره عصيان دموعها حين تأبى الاختباء

لم يفهموها
اجتمع الجميع ضدها، كيف تقدم له الكثير و تضحى من أجله بالكثير، و تتحمل فى سبيل التمسك به الكثير
لم يستطيعوا التخيل أن الأنثى حين تحب و تشعر بالحب تعطى بلا حدود و تضحى بلا حدود و تحتمل بلا حدود
فلتحتمل من أجله، و ليكافح من أجلها، و ليحفظ لها ربها قلبها من الغدر و الوجع

كشف عن جرح دون قصد
قال محاولا المساعدة، لعل المشكلة فى أسلوب حياتك، لعلها مليئة بالواجبات و المسئوليات و عليك التعامل مع الأمر بالإيمان و ... لم تسمع آخر الجملة و لكنها شردت للحظات، و مر شريط سريع من حياتها أمام عينيها، و تساءلت فى نفسها: لكننى راضية ربى، هل نطق لسانى بالتذمر؟ أعلم أنك لا تحملنى فوق طاقتى، رب اغفر لأمى، و سمحت لدموعها بالخروج دون أن يشعر بها عبر سماعة الهاتف، و دعته يكمل حديثه دون التعليق على هذه الكلمات.

كم تكره الحيرة، و عدم القدرة على اتخاذ القرار، خاصة عندما لا تستطيع الجمع بين عقلها و قلبها على رأى واحد، و يأبى كل منهما الخضوع لرأى الآخر. فتسأل بارئها أن يساعدها على الفصل فى الأمر، و تكتشف لأول مرة أشياء لم تكن تعرفها عن نفسها، و ينتهى الموقف باتخاذ القرار، و تخرج من التجربة أكثر فهما لنفسها و احتياجاتها، داعية بارئها أن يمنحها إياها

....رفقا بالقوارير

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

15 unplanned minutes

Have you ever felt like you've got coincidently 15 unplanned minutes while being through a very busy life, to stop and ask yourself, how should I use this gift to get out of this mess? Your mind starts passing by every single item you are planning to cover through your very busy life, seeking the suitable one to be achieved through your 15 minutes, but at the end it blocks! without being able to make the decision.

Then, after a strong stressed struggle with your thoughts, you just decide to give yourself a break and have one step back, out of these shouting responsibilities and unsatisfied dreams to finally stop and listen to your soul...

Checking her: Are you still alive? am I hurting you? I am working hard for you, can you please hold on with me? We have to keep doing this and it's only a matter of time. I promise to get back to you every now and then. Ping me if I forgot, even if I didn't pay attention, don't give up, and get me out of tracing my expectations. Please, keep my life balance!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


أفتقدك كثيراً
و أكثر ما أفتقد.. رؤية الصواب فى عينيك.. يعكسه لسانك العطر الباسم
كالزهرة الرقيقة فى بستان وجهك المضىء :)
بينما الخطايا قد كسرت الأعين من حولى

اللهم لا تحرمنا أجرها، و لا تفتنا بعدها، و اغفر لنا و لها

Thursday, February 25, 2010

دمعة فى عين من أحسن إليك

كم هو مؤلم أن ترى دمعة ألم فى عين من أحسن إليك، و قد ذقت ذلك الألم من قبل، و تعرف مدى صعوبته، فتتمنى لو استطعت أن تخفف عنه و لو جزء صغير منه، و تجد لدمعه صدى فى عينك و ألماً فى قلبك، فتسأل نفسك هل أنت تتألم لألمه، أم أنه قد أيقظ بداخلك ألماً تحاول تجاهله ليسكن و ينام فلا يلهيك عن ما خلقت له، أم أن ما تشعر به مزيج من ألمك و ألمه فكان بذلك أثقل عليك؟

فيجيب عقلك قلبك بأن هذه هى الحياة الدنيا، و يذكره بكل ما سمعت و قرأت و جربت من فوائد الابتلاء، و الصبر عليه، فالدنيا لا تصفى لأحد، و لرب البرايا فى عباده شئون و فى ابتلائه حكم، لا يعلمها إلا هو العليم الخبير، و مهما أعطاك شىء من الرحمة، فإن رحمته وسعت كل شىء سبحانه، و هو أرحم بعبده منك، و ما ذكر ذلك عقلك إلا بتذكير و توفيق من رب العقول

فاللهم فرج هم المهمومين ونفس كرب المكروبين، وأقض الدين عن المدينين، ويسر أمور المسلمين، و اشف مرضانا و مرضى المسلمين، و ارحم موتانا و موتى المسلمين. اللهم اجعل لنا من كل هم فرجاً، ومن كل ضيق مخرجاً، ومن كل بلاء عافية، ومن كل مرض شفاء، ومن كل دين وفاءً، ومن كل حاجة قضاءً، ومن كل ذنب مغفرة ورحمة، و ارزقنا الإخلاص و القبول، و الهمنا رشدنا و دبر لنا أمورنا، و آتنا فى الدنيا حسنة و فى الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذاب النار، إنك ولى ذلك و القادر عليه
و صلى اللهم و سلم و بارك على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه و التابعين، و آخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين